The Inner Landscape, O'Donohue
Audio Tapes
On Contradiction as Invitation and the Hidden Blessings
of Pain and Suffering: Wisdom from the Celtic World.
From Ireland’s Celtic Tradition, Teachings for welcoming the Difficulties in Life.
A series of audio tapes.
“Our bodies are mere outlines of a vast and complex interior world, a landscape of contradiction and immense mystery. This Celtic view of the human condition predates Christianity, yet survives to this day as part of Ireland’s unique spiritual tradition.
Poet and Catholic author, (Anam Cara, Beauty) explores the themes of self-exile and hardship, and the Celtic way of welcoming paradox and finding precious light in the darkest valleys of our inner terrain. Instead of fearing the contradictions of the outer world, the Celtic people welcomed them.
When one learns the Celtic “secret of equilibrium”--how to see every difficulty as a threshold of possibility, one renews life with unending possibilities.
Despite our vast technology, O’Donohue says, our real knowledge is minimal. Only within the “Inner Landscape,” with which each of us is blessed can true knowing take place.
Paschal rates this 4.5 stars out of 5 for Listening Power and Hope and Spur to Change.
We will listen together, then journal with ourselves, then share.