Today, I find listening to be critical for spiritual growth. Of itself listening requires a quiet on my part, time free of distraction and busyness so that the Spirit may speak. Listening for and to the Godde in my life carries with it a willingness to sense a direction and to follow where it leads.
Many years ago my husband and I agreed that we would not push ourselves into what we might like to do. Rather, we would wait and see what was asked of us. We have found that responding to a call demands certain things: a willingness to forgo the present situation--either to enlarge its sphere or to close it out; a generous response to those who are asking for our help--not setting our own conditions and circumstances, but rather accepting the circumstances and conditions posed by the seekers; and, finally, a willingness to leave the service behind when our presence is no longer required. This has been a tough road. It has brought great joy, tears and growth.
This Spirit has led us to establish a small faith community, to edit a Ministry Journal and to national gatherings of Spirit-led folk. The journey continues to be many faceted. At times it is exciting, profoundly emotional, glowing in warmth.
It is easy to hear the Spirit in times when we experience Eucharist with our community using our own liturgies or we celebrate a wedding, a baptism, a funeral. There are other times when the sheer loneliness is overwhelming, frightening, casting shadows of doubt about us. At these times we reach out to be in contact with others who are journeying in a similar way.
Consequently, communicating and networking have become very necessary to keep the whole in balance.
The ship analogy you outlined is quite on the mark. It describes well those of us who live in the uncharted waters of faith, subject to both its beauty, serenity, peace and its overwhelming storms.
--Name withheld on request