Spirituality: Whence the Wind?

"The aim of the Spiritual Growth Network of Kentucky is to empower others to pursue their respective spiritual journeys." We seek to encourage the reader to listen to the inner journey and the promptings of the Wind, wherever, however, whenever. --facilitator is Paschal Baute. SGN of KY is a nonprofit, nondenominational, educational corporation established in Kentucky in 1989. www.lexpages.com/sgn "Be still and know that I am the Lord." Psalm 46:10

Monday, January 03, 2005

The Mariner is tuned to wind changes. . .

Paschal, I like the metaphor.
The only thing I can say about where I find the wind is everywhere. Like a sailor who simply senses the way the wind is blowing. The sailor never sees the wind but is always aware of it and its effects. The effects are obvious but the mariner often senses a change before the effects are manifest and can initiate action to take advantage of the change or to ward off adverse consequences.

"It is an ill wind that blows no one good", so some of the effects of the wind may appear disadvantageous, yet a skilled mariner is able to sail on course even in the face of an apparently contrary wind - but it requires some changes, subtle or large, in that case. So the wind is all round and its effects visible everywhere we look. At least, this is my experience.
Regards, Cara


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